American senators, greek mercenaries
The U.S. Administration voiced discontent over Senate's hampering of the appointment of the next U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia, Philip Ricker.
The appointment was blocked by pro-Greek U.S. Senators. According to diplomatic sources, the Senators blocking Mr. Ricker are Menendez and Joseph Biden, who is also at the Foreign Relations Committee.
Biggest concern for Greece has been the "proMacedonianism" exibited by Mr Ricker, telling the Senate Committee how pro-US the Macedonians have been, and also telling stories of Macedonian soldiers who have saved American soldiers in Iraq.
Athens has been very angry after top US Diplomat (R. Di Carlo) visited Skopje, and on the same day the Macedonian Government made the announcement it would seek return of land for Aegean Macedonians, without drawing any reaction from the U.S.
Athens may come a bit short on blocking Mr. Rickers' appointment, since President Bush is the one who signs a Decree for appointment of the new U.S. Ambassador to Skopje.
Meanwhile, Greece has pressed the 'panic' button in Athens and at the UN. Top Greek Diplomat to Washington, Ambassador Maljas (used to be Greek Ambassador to Macedonia), met with the Governor of the Bahamas, telling the very confused Governor "Macedonia has a Greek Character". A UN showdown between the two Governments is likely, and Greece has started working on securing votes by harassing the small nations.