Slovenia's MP slams Greece over Macedonia
The Slovenian representative in the European Parliament, Jelko Kacin, slammed Greece's attitude toward Macedonia and called for adequate response from the European institutions.
Kacin urged EU institutions to protect the basic principles of the inter-state relations and to take measures against Greek "planned policy of escalation and deliberate provocations", "pouring oil on fire" and "poisoning of the political atmosphere in the region." "The same happened with the President of Macedonia - a country with 'unfortunate name'," Jelko Kacin said.
According to him, the decision of Macedonian President to cancel - on the behalf of his country - his participation at an important international meeting in Athens, is "logical and triggered by Greece's planned policy."
"Evidently, these incidents do not occur randomly. We are witnessing a planned policy of escalation and deliberate provocations on the part of Greece, which pour oil on fire of the already strained relations between the two governments," Kacin added