16.12.2010 - 14:05 - Macedonian identity

- Sometimes, but not always, the country's name reflects the language and cultural identity of its people. It can also reflect a geographic concept. I believe that the people of Macedonia are certain in their language, identity and nationality. It is natural that they want the country's name to reflect this, but the name itself does not contribute to the strengthening or weakening of the people's certainty in their identity, says former mediator in the Macedonia-Greece name dispute, Robin O'Neil in an interview with Macedonian Television (MTV).

==="I had doubts in the past that maybe such ideas are reviewed in Greece, but the country does not have any territorial pretensions towards Macedonia or its people. Greek national interests lie in the fact they want stable and economically successful neighbors, including a stable, prosperous and independent Macedonia. The Macedonian people had demonstrated during the Ottoman rule their commitment to independence and I am certain they will not give up now. There is no peace and stability on the Balkans without an independent Macedonia", adds O'Neil.

==="According to international regulations, Macedonia has the right to use the name it has chosen and I agree this that should be the foundation for the negotiations. I have said on many occasions that the best starting point in the 1995 Interim Treaty, which Macedonia and Greece have committed to observe", underlines former mediator in the Macedonia-Greece name row, Robin O'Neil.


5.12.2010 - 22:40 USA - Wikileaks

Declarative and practice


15.10.2010 - 20:35 Historians Admit To Inventing Ancient Greeks

A group of leading historians held a press conference Monday at the National Geographic Society to announce they had "entirely fabricated" ancient Greece, a culture long thought to be the intellectual basis of Western civilization.

The group acknowledged that the idea of a sophisticated, flourishing society existing in Greece more than two millennia ago was a complete fiction created by a team of some two dozen historians, anthropologists, and classicists who worked nonstop between 1971 and 1974 to forge "Greek" documents and artifacts. "Honestly, we never meant for things to go this far," said Professor Gene Haddlebury, who has offered to resign his position as chair of Hellenic Studies at Georgetown University. "We were young and trying to advance our careers, so we just started making things up: Homer, Aristotle, Socrates, Hippocrates, the lever and fulcrum, rhetoric, ethics, all the different kinds of columns—everything."

"One night someone made a joke about just taking all these ideas, lumping them together, and saying the Greeks had done it all 2,000 years ago," Haddlebury said. "One thing led to another, and before you know it, we're coming up with everything from the golden ratio to the Iliad."

"That was a bitch to write, by the way," he continued, referring to the epic poem believed to have laid the foundation for the Western literary tradition. "But it seemed to catch on."


13.10.2010 - 17:25 Macedonia in NATO immediately: FYROM

The first mediator in the Greece-Macedonia name dispute, ambassador Robin O'Neil, recommends:

Macedonia to be admitted to NATO
under “FYROM” reference

The Article 11 of the interim agreement opens door to Macedonia towards NATO and EU membership under FYROM reference. If the Macedonian government wishes to join the NATO and EU, my advice is to do this through use of interim agreement i.e. by applying FYROM reference, first mediator in the Greece-Macedonia name dispute, ambassador Robin O'Neil, recommends in the interview with programme “Voice of people.”

O'Neil said:

- It is of significant importance the fact that agreement was negotiated by Cyrus Vance, US representative led by the UN. This means responsibility rests on the US government and UN Secretary General to support this agreement to be obeyed.

- I do not know whether NATO Secretary General is quoted correctly. Interim agreement is any case is obligatory to Greece. It is true that NATO works according to consensus principle but we must have in mind what does it mean consensus. It is opposite of vetoing. During the negotiations for a consensus, the governments discuss about their common interest so they achieve agreement based on that common interest. If a country opposes the common interest, then other members should make pressure on this country to make her to urge for common interests. In this case, no one can deny that Macedonia’s membership in
NATO will strengthen the Alliance and the international stability, and especially the stability of the Balkans. Also Macedonia’s membership will not weaken Greece in any case nor will endanger Greece’s position in relation to name issue of Macedonia, if this membership is negotiated under FYROM name.

- The Macedonian government will undoubtedly call attention to NATO members to point out that interim agreement provides way to which Macedonia would become member of the Alliance under FYROM name without endangering the position of Greece related to name issue. If Greece opposes Macedonia to join NATO under FYROM, then other NATO members will undoubtedly consider this behaviour as a proof of hostility towards Macedonia and not only as an attempt to keep the Greece’s position in the name dispute.

-If you are small country, you cannot resolve such problem by being aggressive in the international relations. Active and persistent, yes. But always to try to make friends and to obtain friends due to common sense and flexibility. And just right here the interim agreement can be used. My advice is now to apply for NATO and EU membership under FYROM name. Nothing is endangered in this way and the reaction of the Greece’s government relation to application will show the real position of Greece to the other members of the two organisation in relation to the interim agreement, signed by Greece.


(Why does not respect and implement the Interim Agreement by the EU?
Well, it can not expect anything smart from those who had such of sense to adopt a Lisbon resolution- of them can be expected just something silly and arrogant - in a Greek-style!)



29.09.2010 - 17:10 @ CARTOONS


15.09.2010 - 16:40 - FREEDOM OF SPEACH (allowed theme)



Robin O'Neil:

"Macedonia must not change its name and give in to Greece. If is does, then Greece will set fresh requests until it reaches the final goal, which is to make Macedonia disappear from the map, says first mediator in the Greece-Macedonia name dispute".

At the first international internet TV conference titled "Macedonia: Our Name and Identity, Our Pride and Dignity" at Ohrid TV station NTV, O'Neil said Macedonia should work hard to join EU and NATO.

"Macedonia already has two names, it does not need a third one. The state must focus on joining EU and NATO. When it achieves this, its temporary name will lose its importance and relevance. It must work hard on this", said the ambassador.

According to him, Greece does not observe the conditions set in the 1995 Interim Treaty, which give Macedonia the right to insist on EU and NATO accession under the name agreed with Resolution 817.

"I say this because I am convinced this name is just for temporary use and will cease to apply soon. However, if Macedonia accepts any other name, such as Republic of Macedonia-Vardar or Republic of Northern, Upper or any other Macedonia, then Greece will be encouraged to resume with other requests and blackmails that would be fatal for Macedonians and Macedonia", said O'Neil.

He reminded that Greece refused his proposal "Republic of Macedonia-Skopje", which he gave as mediator in 1992 as compromise for the country's UN accession and temporary use.

Aristotelis Tziampiris, assistant professor at the University of Piraeus, assessed there is rare opportunity for the name dispute to be settled until November.

"There is a are opportunity for the row's settlement with no winners or losers. Taking into account both countries are ruled by governments ready for compromise, I see an opportunity for a solution by November", underlined Tziampiris.


2.06.2010 - 22:35 NEW EURO


20.06.2010 - 17:40 NATO-MACEDONIA - "courageous decision"



25.03.2010 - 23:30 - EU menace


24.03.2010 - 16.05 - ВЛАДИНА МАТКАНИЦА (контра 150 000 вработувања)

Првата мисла за наслов беше “владина математика“, ама кога заредија и премиерот ( http://ereporter.com.mk/mk-mk/Details.aspx?Title=5358 ) и министерот со од ракав стокмени бројки да го правдаат нивниот императорски проект “Скопје 2014“ , оправдано се претвори во “ВЛАДИНА МАТКАНИЦА“.

Значи, станува збор за тајно подготвениот, а шок-транспарентно објавениот владин(БМРО-ДПМНЕ) проект “Скопје 2014“ ( а по премиерот и 2016,2018, итн. ) којшто го претставуваат како градителски проект што ќе помогне и за економски развој на земјата.Во тој поглед истапуваат со изјави за големо ангажирање на градежната оператива со околу 10 000 градежници , па со бројот на членови на нивните семејства, и други на збор ангажмани и ете ти резултати и развој…… и сето тоа, според нив, за околу 80 милиони( според опозиција- 200 милиони) евра инвестиции. А, бе,ајде!

Нема да навлегувам ни во содржината на самиот „проект“ ни во нивните бројки ни во мешаницата за дебата за сето тоа туку ќе ви укажам на оваа можност :

“Струја од тутун за 150.000 нови вработувања“


(и сето тоа за само 1,6 милиони евра инвестиција!!????)

Пазите, не да инвестирате 80 милиони (или 200 милиони) туку само 1,6 милиони евра и да добиете профит дури и од 80 милиони (или 200 милиони) евра и тоа секоја година!!!
Која варијанта е подобра и кој е за која варијанта!???

Ако го прочитавте текстот, гледате дека за ова знаат и претседателот и премиерот и како ете тие покажале интерес за овој проект, а што прават да биде спроведен во дело!?

А, очигледно е дека ова би било тоа што обезбедува и вистинско вработување и вистински пари секоја година и тоа во десетици(стотици) милиони евра и што обезбедува вистински развој за цела Македонија.

Зошто се молчи за овој и слични проекти!??

Дали за тоа што не се владини мегаломании?

Или не обезбедува доволно “капацитет“ на власта за „слободно“ “менаџирање“ со капиталот!?


23.03.2010 - 14:35 Greek SOS expectation


22.03.2010 - 16;35 - Greek influence on EU




23.01.2010 - 1:25 AM HAITI SO MANY CLOSE and SO MANY, MANY FAR

What is the interest of U.S. to keep Haiti so far?

Why Kosovo which is so far and so close for US?

1.01.10 - 17:20 BIBLE- BOOKMARK

2o. Salon Internacional del Humor, Mazatlan 2009, Mexico

1st prize

"BIBLE- bookmark"