In the winter of 2003/04, researchers from the University of Helsinki found an interesting bilingual manuscript, written in what is now Greek Macedonia in the late 18th or early 19th century. It contains a Greek evangeliarium (Gospel lectionary for Sunday services) and its Slavic translation, both written in Greek letters. What makes the manuscript unique is its bilinguality, and the fact that both the Greek and the Slavic texts represent the vernacular, not the church language. The Slavic part is the oldest known text of greater scope that directly reflects the living dialects of Southern Macedonia. It is also the oldest known Gospel translation in Modern Macedonian.
The beginning of the Slavic text, with corrections by Pavel Božigropski, was printed in Thessaloniki in 1852–1853, and these four pages have been known in Slavic studies as the “Konikovo Gospel” after Pavel’s home village (nowadays known as Dytikó). The newly found manuscript shows, however, that the translation came into being earlier and in a fashion other than has been assumed. The manuscript also reflects the sound structure of the local dialect better than the short printed text did.
The manuscript must originally have contained about 124 pages, 74 of which have been preserved. The Slavic part is a valuable source for research into the dialects and more recent history of Macedonian. The Macedonian language is the closest relative of Bulgarian. It did not acquire a definitive standard language until after World War II.
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iGENEA is the most famous global Genealogy institute who once again frustrated the Greek government by confirming the direct connection between the Macedonians today and in Antic times.
The question came from a Greek citizen who asked iGENEA the following question: "What are the roots of today SlavMacedonians".
The Institute responded: "Before all, they are Macedonians, not slavMacedonias as you referred to them for political reasons. The largest part of the Macedonians are direct descendants of the Antic Macedonians. Only a minor portion have a Slavic connection".
iGENEA backed up their findings with hard numbers. However, tying the today's Macedonians with Antic Macedonians is not the only disappointing information for Greece. According to iGENEA, only 32 percent of Greek citizens have Macedonian, Hellenic and even Arab origin. iGENEA further explains that 31 percent of Greek citizens have Celtic roots, 12 percent Germanic and Slavic origin, while 11% have Illyrian roots.
iGENEA also negated the Illyrians roots of the Albanians. In stark contrast to Albanian beliefs, IGENEA says the Albanians have the least Illyrian roots. Only 20 percent of the Albanians have Illyrian roots, while 40 percent of today’s Bosnians have Illyrian roots.
In the past several months, the iGENEA Genealogy Institute had been flooded with requests by Greek Citizens who, ironically, did not care for their own origin, but all questions were aimed at the Macedonians' origin. iGENEA in its research uses DNK analysis, historical, archeological, and anthropological sources.Strong reaction between Greek and Macedonian internet users caused by the British TV Channel "Challenge TV". On a very popular quiz show there was a question "What nationality was Alexander the Great? The response "Greek" was Incorrect.
"The correct answer according to the TV producers was that Alexander is "Macedonian" and the flag of the former yugoslav republic of Macedonia was shown. Hundreds of Greek internet users voiced their disagreement at the Quiz internet site as well as on YouTube where the Macedonians posted the video."
(надреалистички стрип)
Како по правило,секоја власт ,по устоличувањето,се спознава себе како( доволна сама пo себе) од бога дадена,па и однесувањето им е во тој стил:
Ние сме ВЛАСТ - ние знаеме најдобро што е потребно ....
>>>>Арогантноста е стил на владеење и однесување спрема политичките опоненти - опозицијата, а богами и спрема помалите партии од владеачката коалиција.
>>>>Зависно од ситуацијата,се разбира од интерес на владеачката гарнитура,се демонстрира спремност за соработка повикувајќи ги другите субјекти.
>>>> Се оди дотаму да се прикажува и “идиличност“ во можностите во односите со другите субјекти
>>>>Секако ,не пропуштајќи прилика да се
покаже кој е кој во таквата ситуација со што се покажуваат и вистинските намери.
>>>Но , и другите субјекти искористуваат некоја можност да покажат иницијатива за презентација на своите замисли и интереси
>>>> Стриктно професионално им ја демонстрираат на домашните авторитети реалната состојба и позиција во однос на распоредот на силите демонстрирајќи одлучна иницијатива за средување на работите како (им) одговара најдобро.
>>>>Претставниците на нашата власт ја признаваат улогата на меѓународната заедница и (понизно) покажуваат спремност за натамошна соработка
Па,соочувајќи се повторно со сопствената претстава за својата позиција на ВЛАСТ , си продолжува да работи на својата замислена и зацртана програма за делување.
Напомена: за илустрација е користена видео играта “ Адам и Ева“ - преземeна од Motika.com.mk
- Several days before the UN meeting in New York, Chile recognized Skopje under the name Macedonia, which prompted strong reaction from Athens.
PM Nikola Gruevski said in an interview with Italian national TV station RAI that Macedonia has met all standards for the country's NATO accession, and about 75 percent of the eight European Union benchmarks, whereas their completion is expected by the beginning of October.
Pertaining to the name row, Gruevski stated that Greece makes an unprincipled blockage by asking that Macedonia changes its name, but also to determine its new name.
"Greece had already imposed such blockage in June, during the EU Presidency of Slovenia's, which assured the support of all Union member-states on the start of accession talks by the year-end, while Greece asked that the content of the report is not submitted to the European Council.
This means that Greece already blocked Macedonia once, so it will probably do this again, abusing its position in the European Union, devaluing the possibility and necessity for consensus among member-states when passing decisions", underlined PM Gruevski in the interview with RAI, adding it is a matter of time when would the EU stop tolerating this behavior by Greece.
Greek argumentation against "Skopje"
Greece shaken up over UN and newly announced ECHR Visit
Namely, for the past two days, the UN representative is in Thrace speaking to the Turkish minority which is been referred by Athens as the “Muslim speaking" population - According to the Greek Government, “Muslim” is a language.
The Turks are a majority in Thrace and have decades old complaints of not being allowed to identify themselves as ethnic Turks.
The Greek Government does accept a ’muslim’ minority, without specifying their ethnicity.
The Turks and Pomaks are seeking autonomy for their region. McDougall also visited the Roma population.
Today, McDougall is meeting with Macedonians in Voden. She is also scheduled to meet Macedonians in Solun, Kostur, Lerin, Kukus and the villages gravitating around those cities.
The UN representative visiting the area insisting to be accompanied by representatives of the Macedonians in Greece even though this request drew a strong response from the Greek Government.
Instead, Mina finds, the Greek Government had planned for McDougall to avoid the regions where Macedonians lived, and instead take her to the municipality of Kutlesh, to show the Vlach minority.
According to Greek daily Eleftheros Typos, in its article “Minority Games”, Greece is one of the three countries that McDougall will visit this year. The other two where minority abuse is recorded are Ethiopia and Hungary.
Typos says official Athens is not commenting much on the visit, though Diplomats have confirmed this visit is a problem for Greece. The Daily further explains there's been great interest by the Americans to show the “Turkish Identity” of the Muslims in Thrace. Parallel to this, the axis Ankara - Skopje which developed after the Bucharest Summit grows stronger with the aim to create minority problems for Greece, concludes the Greek daily. Yesterday afternoon, the Greek Government received a note from the European Commission of Human Rights which announced their visit at the beginning of next month.This is the answer Greek negotiator Adamantios Vassilakis gave the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Mun, explaining Athens position on the Macedonian minority in Greece.
The Greek Government showed their displeasure at the UN announced visit to Greece by closing the Macedonian - Greek border earlier today.
During the past two months, several Macedonian and Foreign Officials had sent letters to the UN as well as EU Organization regarding the plight of Macedonian and other minorities in Greece.
The European Commission responded that it is not competent to review the situation of minorities.
The United Nations on the other hand, decided to dispatch an expert to verify Athens claim of 99.9% Greeks with zero minorities.
Greece showed their dismay by the UN Visit when Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis announced she will personally meet with the UN expert Gay McDougall where it is expected for Athens to exert pressure on the UN representative.
Athens blames the UN visit squarely on Macedonian Officials for their letters, even though previously had mocked them.
As a ‘punishment’ Athens shut down the border, at all three border crossings (Evzoni, Medzitlija, Dojran) since early morning today, blocking Macedonian Vacationers from going to Greece. Foreign visitors going to Greece through Macedonia were allowed to cross the border.
The official story out of Athens for the blockade is “The Greek Customs are on Strike at the Macedonia Greece Border”. People most likely to be hurt here are Greek Hoteliers who have had by all accounts a dismal Tourism Season, as for the Macedonians, they can spend their vacation and shopping money in Macedonia, as they should have done in the first place.
Why is Athens so upset at the UN visit looking into the minorities?
According to Jane’s Defense Magazine and the Human Rights Watch, Greece has 500,000 Macedonians in Aegean Macedonia, with further 250,000 to 400,000 Macedonians (economic migrants) to the south, mainly in Athens.
HRW also adds the presence of 500,000 Roma population, 1.7 million Albanians of which 1 million are not citizens. The ethnic Turks and Pomaks in Trace number 400,000, and the Vlachs add additional 300,000. Greece also has registered 1 million legal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa, with further 500,000 illegal immigrants, mainly from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan.
Why does every name in Greece sound “Greek” hence stoking up Athens claims of “purity”?
Very simply, it is illegal in Greece to name your children with names other than “Greek”.
Athens, via the Greek Orthodox Church which acts as a de facto second Government forces citizens to adopt only a “Greek” name for their children.
A foreign or ethnic sounding name isn’t allowed by the Greek Church, and any new born will not be registered by the State, this way the myth of 'Greek purity' goes on.
As an example, the grandfather of Macedonian PM who was born in Aegean Macedonia (presently Greece), had his first and last name changed by the Greek Government from Nikola Gruevski to “Nikos Grujos”.
This is done to all ethnicities, not just the Macedonian one.
The results of UN Expert Gay McDougall to her "Greece's Minorities" mission will be made available to the world in March of 2009. She will investigate Aegean Macedonia, Thrace and other regions.
The newspaper says that McDougall's unannounced visit to Thrace and Macedonia, especially in the area of city Florina, is probably stimulated by the recent requirements by Skopje authorities for recognition of the Macedonian minority in Greece and return of properties of refugees from Aegean Macedonia.
Before departing for the tour, McDougall met in Athens with the chief secretaries in the ministries of foreign affairs, education, labor and justice, and is to be received Thursday by FM Dora Bakoyiannis.
"It is not excluded that the U.S. expert reveals Macedonian and other minorities in Greece, which can be seen from her readiness", reads "Ethnos".
The Turkish Consulate to Greece also offered its cooperation in the tour.
According to the newspaper, McDougall plans to publish a report on the state of Roma in Greece, whose number is assessed at about 300,000, due to be presented in the UN next March.The plan had been drafted on February 16, 1982, by the Chief of the Greek Secret Service, Dimitris Kapelaris.
According to the plan, Athens had created a Secret Team nicknamed “Plot Against Macedonia” that was dispatched to Aegean Macedonia and infiltrated into all aspects of public life: (Tax office, Schools, Army, Church, etc). This is the period when a lot of Macedonians were followed, jailed, fired, beaten, for publicly stating they were Macedonians, not realizing they were being spied on at every level.
The Greek Secret Service also had plans for Florina (Lerin) residents who failed to “feel Greek”, and feared may succumb under local Macedonian influence. As a solution, the Secret Service proposed to give these people money, brainwashing literature, and creating a cultural organization named “ARISTOTELIS”. A brilliant plan, that ought to make them “Greek”! The magnitude, the sheer stupidity and lunacy of these people is remarkable.
Dimitris Kapelaris took a moment to congratulate the Secret Service for managing to ‘almost’ wipe out the Macedonian conscious and the ‘idiom’ in Kastoria (Kostur).
The Greek Secret Service despised the fact that Macedonians marry only Macedonians in Greece, and made plans how to mix marriages, so the Macedonians would loose their ethnicity.
Were they trying to create more of the Karamanlis type? Their plan backfired, to this day Macedonians in Greece marry Macedonians.
1982, the year of this letter, is also the year Athens implemented laws banning Macedonian refugees from returning to their properties - Not a coincidence.
Without further a due, below is the complete document drafted by the Geek Secret Service.
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Former German Ambassador to Macedonia, Hans Lottar Stepan in an interview with Mia, Mina, A1, says Macedonia should not under any circumstances yield to Greece.
He also calls Macedonia a “victim of Europe’s 20th century conspiracies”.
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