Skopje, October 31 (MIA) - The Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has every legitimate right to choose how it will express its protest related to the outburst of anti-Macedonian hysteria at the military parade in Thessaloniki, Ministry officials said Friday in their reaction in connection to Thursday's statement given by Head of Greece's Liaison Office to Skopje, Alexandra Papadopoulou.
- The Greek arguments stated by the head of Greece's Liaison Office in Skopje, Papadopoulou we unfortunately had the chance to hear them at the military march held a few days ago, from the mouths of Greek army members. We're prepared and adamant to inform all relevant international organisations and institutions about the case and to submit a footage from the military parade, MoFA stated.
The footage, which is being technically processed, with English language subtitle will be sent to representatives of NATO, EU, OSCE, CoE, UN... in the course of next week.
Commenting the condemnation regarding the outburst of nationalism and chauvinism directed against Macedonia at a military parade in Thessaloniki on Oct. 28 expressed by deputy foreign minister Zoran Petrov, the Head of Greece's Liaison Office Papadopoulou told ANA-MPA agency she realised from Petrov's statements that "the Government does not want or does not dare to listen to the Greek positions and arguments."

“Nationalistic and at times fascists chants from the Greek military at the parade in Salonika is not surprising.
What is surprising is the passive non-responsive ways of the EU and NATO who refuse to issue any comment, four days after the scandal” say experts who described Greece as a mentally challenged child under the wings of EU and NATO able to say or do anything without being reprimanded.
“We expect, if there is such a thing as a system of values that unite this nations, that system to be equal for everyone, instead of hiding behind some fake solidarity, because Macedonia is at the door of the Alliance”, says Biljana Vankovska, University Professor.
The chants at the military parade in Salonika were demonstration of force and pressure on Macedonia, say the experts.
“This is a verbal pressure on Macedonia, with very dangerous tendencies, I’d say military threats aimed at Macedonia and the supporters of Macedonia.” Says Blagoja Markovski, expert on security questions.
NATO has no comment on the incident, the statement came from Brussels without an explanation. No comment from the EU. OESC will first wait for the video, and may come up with a statement.