- Sometimes, but not always, the country's name reflects the language and cultural identity of its people. It can also reflect a geographic concept. I believe that the people of Macedonia are certain in their language, identity and nationality. It is natural that they want the country's name to reflect this, but the name itself does not contribute to the strengthening or weakening of the people's certainty in their identity, says former mediator in the Macedonia-Greece name dispute, Robin O'Neil in an interview with Macedonian Television (MTV).
==="I had doubts in the past that maybe such ideas are reviewed in Greece, but the country does not have any territorial pretensions towards Macedonia or its people. Greek national interests lie in the fact they want stable and economically successful neighbors, including a stable, prosperous and independent Macedonia. The Macedonian people had demonstrated during the Ottoman rule their commitment to independence and I am certain they will not give up now. There is no peace and stability on the Balkans without an independent Macedonia", adds O'Neil.
==="According to international regulations, Macedonia has the right to use the name it has chosen and I agree this that should be the foundation for the negotiations. I have said on many occasions that the best starting point in the 1995 Interim Treaty, which Macedonia and Greece have committed to observe", underlines former mediator in the Macedonia-Greece name row, Robin O'Neil.